Preach Compelling Sermon Series Without a Big Budget or Staff

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Bonuses Included with Monthly Membership

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Get Ministry Pass for $49

Save over $120 on Ministry Pass when you start a monthly membership today!

Get immediate access to all sermon series, illustrations, event graphics, series graphics, and more!

Pay $49 today and $49 every month going forward! This is the lowest we’ve offered all year and it won’t get any lower than this.

A Total Savings of $120 Over 12 Months

Skip the free trial and get Ministry Pass for $49.

Mark Batterson Preaching Masterclass

Plan your Christmas promotion, step-by-step, and experience your biggest, best Christmas services. 

Directions for how to use announcements, email, and social media, effectively starting five weeks out from Christmas Eve. Simple to follow, easy to implement instructions.

A $97 Value Included

Skip the free trial and get Ministry Pass for $49.

Exclusive Early Access to Advent: A Joyful Hope

Christmas is already on your radar and one of the most unique ways to create momentum and growth in your church is by leveraging the ancient practice of Advent in the weeks leading up to Christ’s birth.

As a special bonus for starting your Ministry Pass membership today, we will give you exclusive early access to our newest Advent sermon series. It will be available to all members in the coming weeks, but you will have access starting today!

Announcing the Ministry Pass Annual Sermon Calendars

Four unique and distinct calendars, each one featuring a 52-week roadmap filled with compelling sermon series.


Get Access to Over 500 Complete Sermon Series

Bible Book & Topical Sermon Series

Over 500 complete sermon series with researched series guides and top-shelf sermon series graphics and media.

Sermon Ideas & Talking Points

Use our sermon guides for inspiration and as a starting point for your messages.

Sermon Illustrations

Explore hundreds of new and fresh sermon illustrations for your messages.

Youth Series & Kids Lessons

Teach future generations about the Bible through age-appropriate games and message resources.

Save $120 off the current monthly membership rate.

Bring Christmas to Life Again

Fresh Ideas to Connect Christmas with Life

101 Christmas Sermon Series Ideas

Want to be the leader your people need but feeling overwhelmed and on edge?

Get a copy of our FREE guide to avoiding burnout and discover what causes pastoral burnout, and how to heal so you can lead well into the future!

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Bring Christmas to Life Again

Powerful and Relevant Illustrations Connect Christmas with Life

Christmas Illustration Ideas Mockup iPad

22 Fresh Advent Sermon Series Ideas for Christmas 2021

Inspiration to Breathe New Life to the Traditions of Christmas